Happy Airwaves Eve!
![]() | 01-Nov-2016 | First, Happy Birthday Mom!! :-)So most of the day was consumed by travel, some of it unnecessarily, but I’ll get to that. After breakfast we took the subway to Stockholm Central Station, then the Arlanda Express out to the airport. Arriving early, as always, we had snacks and awaited our flight. The 3-hour flight to Reykjavik was uneventful – just the way we like it.Welcome back to RVK everyone! |
First, what’s up with all of Icelandair’s planes loading and unloading off-stand? We were lucky both times this trip – it hasn’t been raining – but seriously? The terminal is under construction but it seems up-and-comer WOW Air is getting all the prime real-estate.
Um, no. So, you know you have 3 buses coming within 10 minutes of each other, all loaded with 75+ people each … AND you know exactly where you’re transferring them to and how many thanks to these things called reservations. Oh, and computers. How hard is this? Why does it seem like the first time, every time? Finally made it to the apartment and picked up keys from our host. Officially arrived! |
First night in Reykjavik means two things: pizza and Lucky Records |
Met up with Tristen and Andy who flew in from the US this morning. Pizza was consumed. |
Then off to Lucky to see our friends and see a few shows to warm up to the festival. Epic Rain was on at 8pm and we’re always interested to see what Johannes is up to. His vocal style is very distinctive but what he’s doing musically is always a surprise. Harp? Yes. Standup bass? Yes. Glockenspiel? Sure, why not! 🙂